2013年4月11日 星期四

[美國] 2013國際勞工影展徵件





  • 類別:紀錄片、戲劇皆可
  • 關鍵字:參與工會的工人、尚未組織的工人、工人生活、工人抗爭求生存、捍衛工人社會經濟狀況、科技及網路如何影響工人、私有化、銀行、健康及安全、健康照護、工人處境薪資、工人抗爭史、工人今日的抗爭與歷史。
  • 如果為非英語發音之影片,投稿影片請務必附上英文字幕或英文配音,同時請附上紙本故事大綱。
  • 影片格式需為PAL或NTSC。
  • 獲選成為影展放映片的導演將獲邀出席影展放映場次。

  • 報名表(請點選這裡下載報名表)
  • 影片
  • 影片相關的文宣(海報、照片、影評等)
  • 如果您需要影片回送,請附上郵資及信封


LaborFest/FilmWorks United
PO Box 720027
San Francisco, CA 94172

聯絡電話(美國加州): (415) 642-8066
E-mail: lvpsf@labornet.org 或 laborfest@laborfest.net



Call for Labor Videos & Films
FilmWorks United 
(International Working Class Film & Video Festival)
The deadline to submit all videos for next LaborFest is May 1, 2013
(Click here to ownload the Application form (Microsoft word document) on your computer and fill it out and send it with your films.

2013 "Filmworks United" is calling for submittals to our 20th annual international working class film and video festival which is part of LaborFest www.laborfest.net.
We invite submissions of films that both documentary and drama that tell the stories of working people organized and unorganized, their lives and their struggles to survive and defend their social and economic conditions. We also are looking forstories and documentaries that show how technology and the internet are affecting
working people.

We are interested in stories about the affect of privatization, the banks, health and safety, healthcareand defending labor conditions and wages.

We are also looking for videos on the work process, historical struggles of labor and the interconnectionbetween the history of working people and their issues today.

If submitted from outside the US, we prefer work that either contain captions or an English voice over, however, we will accept all submissions. if work is submitted in languages other than English, a printed narration is requested.

It will be accepted in PAL or NTSC.

Producers of the videos screened will also invited to present their videos at the festival screenings.

Please mail the following:
1) Application form
2) Video/Films
3) Any publicity materials if you have (poster/pictures/reviews etc.)
4) If you want your video to be returned, please include self addressed envelope with postage)

Mail these to:
LaborFest/FilmWorks United
PO Box 720027
San Francisco, CA 94172

For more information:
Call (415) 642-8066, E-mail: lvpsf@labornet.org, or laborfest@laborfest.net

LaborFest 2013
International Working Class Film & Video Festival (July 1 – July 31)
Application Form
(Deadline May 1, 2013)
FILM TITLE: __________________________________
Total running time (TRT): _____________
Category: ( ) Documentary  ( ) Drama  ( ) Animation  ( ) Other
Format: ( ) DVD  ( ) MiniDV  ( ) VHS  ( ) other ______________
Date of production: _____________
(Please include any publicity/poster/pictures/reviews with your tape)
            WEB (if any):
Distributor (if any):
Is it OK to put this tape on:
            ( ) Community Access  ( ) PBS  ( ) NO
Is this tape available for sale?
            ( ) DVD  ( ) VHS  ( ) Other ______________________
How much?:
Summary of this work:
Bio of Producer/Editor: (If necessary, you can use separate page)
Please mail this form and your film/video to:
LaborFest/International Working Class Film and Video Festival
POB 720027, San Francisco, CA 94172 
(Tape will not be returned unless you include self addressed and stamped envelope.)
For more info: E-mail: lvpsf@labornet.org, or laborfest@laborfest.net
Phone: (415) 282-1908, Web: www.laborfest.net